Author Archives: Tamil Housing

  1. Easter Bank Holiday; 02/04/2021 – 05/04/2021

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    Tamil Housing Offices and Phone Lines will be closed for the Easter Bank Holiday.

    Phone lines will reopen at 9am on Tuesday 05 April 2021 as normal .

    If during this bank holiday period you have a repair emergency, please contact Tamil Housing’s out of hours team on 0208 493 7160 – option 1 

    For all other enquiries, please email . 


  2. Complaints Policy Update

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    Dear Residents,

    The new complaints handling code published by the Government in July 2020 has provided us with a high level framework for effective complaint handling and prevention alongside learning and development. We have updated our complaints policy and procedure. We have also carried out our self assessment of our complaints handling process and by way of the self assessment, we have introduced the following:

    1. New Webform;
    2. Training for Staff;
    3. Additional awareness work with residents;

    We will continue to raise awareness and learning from the complaints and compliments we received which will be used to improve our services including complaint handling process.

    TCHA value your feedback. Your feedback will help us improve our services and recognise when our staff have gone an extra mile to support you. If you would like to make a compliment or a complaint, please click here.

  3. Supporting our residents during Covid-19

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    Dear Residents,

    Firstly, with Covid-19 impacting many across the nation, Tamil Housing is still here, looking after your home.  We hope you are your family are all doing well and taking care of each other during this difficult time.

    Our primary focus is to support you through this difficult time and so we wanted to let you know of the support Tamil Community Housing Association is providing to our residents.

    Getting in Touch/ Office Closures 

    We are doing what we can to balance our team’s health and the services you need. However, the way our staff are working and delivering services has changed in order to follow the latest government and NHS advice.

    Tamil Housing have implemented working from home staffing arrangements. This means, Tamil Housing offices are closed, however our phone lines remain open during the working week for some key services including out of hours emergencies. We will make sure we attend to each call as far and quickly as possible. If your call is urgent and we have not answered it immediately, please text Tamil Housing on 07984355550 or email and we will arrange for a member of staff to call you as soon as possible.

    Tamil Housing staff have also dedicated time to make weekly contact with our elderly and vulnerable residents to ensure they are safe and well. If you wish to be contacted also, please do let us know. If you are interested in volunteering or are already doing so, please do let us know and thank you for this.

    To avoid accruing rent arrears we urge you to continue to pay your rent. If you are facing financial difficulties please contact a member of staff immediately on the general number 02084937160 or email us on

    • If you are not claiming any benefits, please use Allpay, Standing Order and / or internet banking to pay your rent.
    • If you are already claiming benefits, please be aware that all face to face assessments have now been temporarily suspended by Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
    • If you experience any financial hardship due to COVID-19 i.e., you are required to stay at home or your job or income has been affected, kindly follow DWP guidelines for new claims or Statutory Sick Pay* and inform Tamil Housing also.

    *This is only payable if you are staying at home on Government advice, not just if you are infected by the Coronavirus and only applied for seven days.

    Please refer to the Government Guidelines.

    Maintenance / Repairs 

    We are still taking repairs/maintenance calls and will be organizing these in terms of urgency with first priority for emergency and some urgent repairs.  However, please be advised that Tamil Housing staff and also our Contractors may ask you screening questions in relation to COVID-19 before raising any repairs as part of our precautions for Coronavirus.

    COVID-19- What to do if you have or if you think you have COVID-19.

    If you or anyone in your household are diagnosed with COVID-19, please seek urgent medical advice by calling NHS 111. Please also let us know as soon as you can, so that we can plan our services and offer or signpost you to any other support that may be available.

    • You or someone in your household have been tested for COVID-19
    • Showing any symptoms of COVID-19
    • If you or anyone in your household is ill or recently been in contact with anyone with COVID-19
    • Have been in self- isolation or currently self-isolating and if so, how long for
    • Travelled abroad in the last 3-months to anywhere in Europe or Asia

    The information provided will only be forwarded to respective contractors and also out of hours call handlers for health and safety and information only. All repairs except emergency repairs will be suspended to your household until we have received confirmation that you have recovered by emailing

    We will keep you updated via SMS, emails and phone calls where necessary as we are minimizing face to face contact where we can.

    In the meantime, please take care of yourself and those around you look out for any neighbours that may be vulnerable and always protect yourself and others by following all Government/NHS and Public Health England Advice during this important time.

    Your sincerely,

    Devan Kanthasamy 

    Chief Executive


  4. Exciting New Builds in Wembley Hill for First Time Buyers

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    Cottrell House is our exciting new development in Wembley Hill now available to purchase on a shared ownership basis. This will be ready for occupation in November 2019. The scheme is developed by Tamil Housing in partnership with Jaysam Developments. Tamil Housing has previously worked with Jaysam Developments in developing the ISOPAD scheme in Borehamwood.

    Wembley is the home to the SSE Arena and also Wembley Stadium; so there is never an event to miss with both right next door! You also have Boxpark

    Wembley and London Designer Outlet which hosts over fifty stores including a 9-screen cinema and a whole range of restaurants. With the scheme situated at Wembley Hill, you are only minutes away from all the action and can grab your favorites in just seconds. You can reach Central London via underground stations through either Wembley Stadium, Wembley Park and Wembley Central station in just 45 minutes.

    The Wembley Scheme will mark Tamil Housing’s first Shared Ownership Scheme, becoming another milestone that we have proudly reached!






  5. Tamil Housing and Apna Ghar Strategic Alliance

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    Apna Ghar Housing Association (AGHA)  and Tamil Community  Housing Association (TCHA) are pleased to announce a new strategic joint alliance.

    The collaboration involves sharing expertise at senior level as well as joint working on providing new homes and developing a community offer. AGHA and TCHA remain governed separately by their respective Boards but see this strategic alliance as an opportunity for both organisations to achieve more together to support the communities within which they work and deliver excellent services and new homes.

    This alliance will further enhance our value for money offer and enable us develop synergies as well as do more for the communities we serve.

  6. Don’t suffer in silence- help us combat ASB

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    Antisocial behaviour can affect anyone, it can be you, your children, or your neighbourhood. ASB can effect your health and well-being, as well as your enjoyment of your own home.

    Tamil Housing takes reports of all ASB seriously and deals with all reports with the strictest confidence. We try our ultimate best to ensure that ASB is dealt with effectively and efficiently to ensure that your enjoyment of your home is the main priority and most importantly, the ASB is stopped altogether. ASB can be dealt with effectively with your support. Reporting ASB to Tamil Housing is the first step to combat ASB in your area or home.

    There are some things that you can do to help us deal with ASB effectively;

    • Contact Tamil Housing right after an incident has occurred and provide us with the key details- what happened, time and date, who you think is responsible and if there were any witnesses and the impact on anyone involved;
    • Use our incident diary sheets to log and record any incidents and send this to us within seven days of the incident;
    • Never retaliate in any way. You could be breaching your own tenancy agreement and make matters worse;
    • Respect your neighbours. We all have different hobbies, interests and lifestyles. A little tolerance exercised by us goes a long way. Always be courteous, polite and considerate to your neighbours. More tips can be found here;

    If you fear for the safety of yourself or others, or you suspect a crime has committed, dial 999 or 101 depending on the urgency. We work closely with the Police and by reporting matters directly and immediately to the Police, we can build a fuller picture of any alleged ASB.

    More information on ASB and staying safe can be found here.