Aids & Adaptations

We understand that resident(s) needs may change during the course of their tenancy and they may require aids and adaptations to their homes. If you or a family member find it difficult living in your home, you may be entitled to adaptations that can help you live safely and independently. In order for us to establish your eligibility, we may ask you to contact your local council’s Social Services department so that they can carry out an Occupational Therapist (OT) assessment (in most cases, your Doctor can also refer you to an OT at your local council).

If adaptations to your home are considered necessary by the OT, we will either carry them out subject to the Council’s Disabled Facilities Grant approval or where we have alternative sources of funding. It will not always be possible to carry out installation of the aids or adaptations that are required due to the property type, size or structure. In these cases, we may ask you to explore alternative housing options.