Repairs to your Home
Repairs – non gas
When you need to report a non-gas repair that is our responsibility, you can do so in a number of ways.
- Text REPAIR, following brief description, to 07984 355550.
- Email your repair to, with your name and property address in the subject line.
- Call us on 020 8493 7160 during office hours (weekdays, 9am to 5pm, except Bank holidays) and report the repair to a member of our staff.
Click here for all emergency out-of-hours contacts.
Repairs – gas
If you have a heating, hot water or boiler fault and your home is owned by TCHA, or was formerly owned by Apna Ghar, you can call K&T Heating direct on 020 8269 4542 to arrange to get it fixed.
If your home is owned by another landlord, you will need to call one of these numbers.
- Paragon Asra – PA Housing: 0300 123221
- Clarion Housing: 0300 4563000 or 0300 5008000
- L&Q: 0300 4569996
- Metropolitan Thames Valley: 020 3535 3535
- Network Homes: 0300 3733000
- One Housing: 020 8821 5300
- Peabody 0300 1233456
- Wandle Housing: 0300 2000114
Who is responsible for your repair
As your landlord, we are responsible for repairs to:
- the structure, exterior and communal areas of the building
- installations supplying water, gas and electricity to your home
- sanitation – your sinks, baths and toilets, and
- heating and hot water fixtures.
As our tenant, you are responsible for:
- other minor repairs
- keeping your home in a good condition
- fixing anything that gets damaged by a member of your household or a visitor to your home, and
- giving access to our contractors when we need to do a repair or carry out servicing.
Click here for a list of landlord and tenant repair responsibilities.
If you do not take care of your home, we may:
- recharge you the cost of putting things right
- take tenancy enforcement action if you damage your home or repeatedly fail to give us access.
What happens when you report a repair?
When you report a repair, we will give you a job reference number and/or the name of the contractor who will do the work.
We will also send you an automated text message, with a summary of the repair you have reported.
We will give you a morning appointment (between 8am-1pm), or an afternoon appointment (between 1-5pm)
You can ask us for an appointment that avoids the school run. However, we cannot always guarantee this.
How long will my repair take?
We group repairs into three categories: emergency, urgent and routine.
Emergency repairs
We aim to get to an emergency repair within 24 hours. Our contractor will aim to do a temporary fix, coming back during office hours to finish the repair.
Emergency repairs include:
- isolate and make safe where a gas leak cannot be turned off
- isolate and make safe burst pipes/tank
- no mains water supply
- no electrical supply or a dangerous electrical installation
- back surge in sink/basin/WC pan/bath
- extremely severe water coming in through roof
- damaged entrance door lock (where no other lock is provided)
- broken/unusable WC pan, if it is your only toilet
- broken glass to the front entrance door, ground floor windows or balcony level windows (board up only), and
- make safe after fire and structural damage that is likely to endanger life, limb or property, and
- other repairs which, if not dealt with immediately, would cause an immediate and acute health hazard.
If your emergency repair occurs outside office hours, click here for our emergency out-of-hours contact details.
Urgent repairs
We aim to investigate and put right your urgent repairs within five working days.
Urgent repairs include:
- repairs to heating systems and appliances (three days in winter)
- unblock hand wash basin, bath wastes and toilets
- no flush to WC (if only toilet in your home)
- most water leaks (except taps)
- overflow running
- repairs to lighting in communal areas
- no hot/cold water
- blocked drains, and
- other repairs that cause extreme concern or discomfort to an elderly or disabled tenant.
Routine repairs
Most repairs fall into the routine category. We aim to investigate and rectify them within 28 working days.
Routine repairs include:
- repairs to doors and windows
- general roof repairs or patching
- repairs to plaster work
- damaged gutters and down pipes
- general carpentry, brickwork and plumbing repairs, and
- glazing to homes.